All Facebook users - search for our Group Facebook Page -(Wichita West '62 Class)
- Use this for Quick Announcements and to say HI!.
- You can Invite other class members to Join the Facebook page.
- Most information will be on this website ( If other class members haven't joined this website you can invite them if you have their email or phone number.
- We'll send out messages on Facebook to notify you of any new additions or updates on the Website. Or update your Notify Me under the people Icon to get information from the Website.
- So let us know if you are on Facebook by adding your User Name for Facebook on this Website under your Profile page. (Click on Person Icon and click on Edit Contact info. Email/address/ phone etc., Save at bottom of page. To add facebook name Edit Profile. Don't forget to save.)
- Any questions can be asked on Facebook
Add #Question - check the Topics tab for question submitted already.
Class Reunion Committee: Marjorie Stephans, John & Karen Kelly, Max Patrick, Roger Sampson, Margaret Meyer, Suzanne Koch, Melinda Ware & Wilma Wine. 2022 - 60th Reunion
Great 60th Reunion with all those who attended. Reunion Online Everyday!
Adding pictures today! 10/9 - Those who attended add your pictures soon! Contact Us if a problem!
You should be able to right click on your mouse and copy picture, then save so you can print a copy.
60th Reunion - In Memory Video & Other Video Links
Let's see if I can locate another location to view Videos.
Website is at 451.12% MB of available 1000 MB (at 45.11%)
10/10/2022 - kk
Happy Valentines Day!
Who was your Highschool sweetheart? Share on Pioneers Talking.
Share your Sweetheart today pictures at Photo Scrapbook. or on your profile page.
A: |
129 |
Joined |
B: |
131 |
Not Joined |
(totals do not include deceased)