What is the cost of the Website to keep it going?
We have extended our Domain name for another five years from ClassNames.net. - Expires 10/17/24 @ $18.95 ea. yr
New 2021. We have subscribed for a Secure Certificate for 2yrs - Expires 11/26/2023 @ $52.50
We have paid for website site through Class Creator.com for another five years. Expires 10/28/27 @ $528
Thank you for your support to keep your website going. I'll be here until the good Lord calls me home.
Karen Kelly, Webmaster
60th Reunion Donors - 2022
Thanks to our donors whose contribution will help to defray the cost of this website and the expenses related to putting on a reunion not coverd by registrations.
$1,400 from 2022 Reunion Class Members as of 9/21/22
Wilma Adair (Wine) Fred Bellman LeRoy Ferman
Philip Hengen Carol Hollander Bruce Harris
Roger Sampson Lana Slaughter (Brozek) Valerie Vandenberg (Roper)
Larry Wacker Jimmie White Dr. James Wilson
Patricia Wood (Garnett) Miriam Nath (Delap) Sherri Johnston (Marmie)
Dorthy Howard (Tefft) Delores Sears (Frisbie)
55th Reunion Donors - 2017
Thanks to our donors whose contributions will help to defray the cost of this website and the expenses related to putting on a reunion not covered by registration.
Birdwell, Jonah Call (Alexander), Beverly Bellman, Fred
Budd, Marvin Dendurent (Meyer), Margaret Ferman, LeRoy
Hengen, Philip Hoover (Koch), Suzanne Howard (Tefft), Dorothy
Johnston (Marmie), Sherri Kelly, John & Karen Northrop, Dan
Patrick, Max Phipps, Mike Rufe (Sanders), Rita
Sampson, Roger Smith (Shinn), Catherine Wright Stephans, Marjorie
Vandenberg (Roper), Valerie Wacker, Larry
Links To Make Reunion Trips Home Easier
Links Connecting Us to West